Personal Assistance
Personal assistance as outer work
Creating with our authentic self and bringing ideas and dreams into actual being is 'outer work'. Personal assistance supports you in this process.
"Ako" is a Maori phrase meaning 'to walk alongside in a reciprocal relationship of teaching and learning'.
Personal assistance is a hands-on and active kind of support following through with what has emerged in the coaching sessions to completion. It can be seen as an extension of coaching or stands alone as an aid to 'doing life'.
As a complementary approach, personal assistance makes sure the potential, newness or change discovered in coaching has a chance to be fully integrated into your life. Sometimes practical and emotional support is needed to get you over the threshold, other times a buddy to walk alongside and see the progress on a project and offer pertinent feedback is what's needed.
As a separate approach to coaching, personal assistance can be about providing a physical presence to support healthy habits, join in on the to-dos or be a caring presence as you navigate life on your own terms. It could look like attending appointments or activities with you, or getting involved in bigger stuff like the practical and emotional support of moving house or setting up a exhibition. It's when there's been enough talking or action is needed over talking, that being accompanied in 'real life' to get stuck in with actions and practical change is of most support. Sometimes we just need someone there to get through the bad mental health days or difficult chapters in our lives.
Whether distinct or integrated sessions, personal assistance with me will still have a coaching flavour to it. I want to see you grow and push towards your edges. I'll support you in becoming more reflective about the actions you are taking, for both learning what to do differently next time, and celebrating your progress. I might be doing some of the physical labour with you, but the inner work is still yours. You can expect questions to be asked that build your awareness of yourself and your projects being held accountable to deadlines.
Personal assistance takes place where you need it to. You don't need to know in advance if you want pure coaching or sole personal assistance or a mix of both - the most important thing is to get started, so book a session now.
"Natalie helped me get past my nerves...
so I could enjoy my first experience of being in a pool. She accompanied me to Huia Hydrotherapy Pool as part of my ACC treatment and patiently spent an hour with me as I walked into the pool. She then slowly guided me with her hands to the deep end which was a big achievement for me. I felt amazing after the session determined to get better having conquered my fears about being in the water. It was amazing!"
Resident of Greater Wellington