Towards a fuller sense of well-being
I've supported many women and men since I qualified as a coach in 2014. Read on to hear about some of the examples.
There are many ways to and facets of wellbeing:
I've supported various creative people - professionals and hobbyists - and those that say they aren't creative, to move through their creative blocks with either curating exhibitions to showcase their work, developing photo books of their art, and/or making a website with professional imagery of themselves and their work.
I've accompanied many people living with depression and anxiety to successfully engage with the health system and make their appointments with their GP, counsellor, physio or health assessment through offering a caring presence on the day, emotional support before and after the appointment, and a backup voice or note taker during appointments.
I've assisted those at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey to move forward with their passion / start-up, find their authentic voice, logo and brand, develop a website with meaningful photography, plus giving encouragement, mentoring and feedback throughout the process.
I've supported men with dating and relationship challenges, creating photography and words for their dating profiles, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere with interior design in their homes or workplaces, shared nourishing recipes and cooking experiences, and reigned in workaholic tendencies for a more rounded picture of health which they didn't know was missing.
I've encouraged many young adults living with mild/moderate mental health conditions to start on their pathway to employment through attending volunteering, career expos, career appointments and interviews with them.
I've walked alongside women to join events that are helpful for health and wellbeing such as women's groups, yoga classes, and the gym ensuring they felt safe, with emotional support before/after and keeping the focus on their self-esteem, motivation and goal-setting.
I've also sat down with people of all ages in their homes and workplaces to organise and declutter their photos, inboxes, kitchen shelves, budgets, devices and computer systems to supercharge tasks, habits and memories. This has created more peace and harmony internally in themselves and externally with those around them with good organisational habits being passed on along the way.
These are just some of the ways I've worked with clients.
"Natalie is a great listener...
and was attentive to my goals and issues. She was gentle, insightful and succinct. She allowed me to explore different modes of coaching and also introduced me to Clean Language coaching which expanded my sense of metaphor. I became more self-aware of the role of creativity in my thinking. Natalie is the perfect coach for someone exploring life and their own personal desires. She works well on the creative and ‘heart’ side of her coachee’s yearnings and is respectful of her coachee’s ‘voice’." Legal & Policy Advisor