Kind Words
"There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing"
Alfred Wainwright
Testimonials from previous clients
If you would like to add your experience to this page, please get in touch.
Relationship Coach
"Natalie is an excellent coach. She has a very patient coaching style and is very much ‘in the moment’ and totally dedicated. It was my good fortune to be coached by her. She acknowledged my dilemma and gave me space to explore as well as keeping me focused."
Career Changer
"I feel more positive after a session with Natalie. It reinforced my passions and where I can contribute to this world. I’m feeling more focused, clearer on what is fulfilling for me and the hour helped me put a lot into perspective. Feeling like the year has finally started for me."
Mental Health Administrator
"Thank you for your help last week in inspiring me to dig deep with finding those questions I needed to ask. They really helped. I’ve now had the courageous conversation I needed to have and also done a budget exploring my living costs and I feel a lot more confident about things."
Small Business Coach
"Terrific morning of coaching with Natalie out in nature. Rediscovered some beautiful and meaningful locations that reminded me of important cities I have lived in over the years. Surprised and inspired by the Clean coaching process."
Ecological Economist
"I found the Clean Walk process grounding to be amongst the trees and realised there was permission in the experience itself for slowing down and overcoming inhibition. Both the questions and nature itself guided me. All of this gave me a higher level of awareness and I observed how the process allowed me two full cycles of reflection.
Something shifted for me. I found what was unwanted inside of me and I was able to release it. The metaphors I encountered along the latter part of the walk inspired new thoughts and I went deeper, especially when running along the garden paths, releasing what was no longer serving me.
The walk created space in my life and time to reflect on myself and think differently. Through having my desired outcomes on coloured cards, which at one point were in the wrong place and on the wrong colour, I could turn that moment of confusion and transition into an opportunity. I'd exhausted my normal thinking and the process supported me in choosing to recommit and finding new light, ultimately realising where I give value in life. I like the final photo you captured: a special moment of newness for me. Thank you."
Leadership Impact Coach
"Natalie is a very patient and perceptive coach whose use of the Clean Language approach encourages clients to deeply explore and to create positive change in their lives. Natalie challenged me to dig deeper and her use of imagery and exploration of metaphor was very effective in my understanding of beliefs and motivations that guided my behavior. I’ve become more reflective."
IT Analyst
"I really feel like I have conquered lots of things during my coaching with Natalie. I've asserted myself more and have totally eliminated a career option that I discovered through one coaching session was in fact not right for me. Instead I've brainstormed all my creative ideas and was able to follow through on one important project to the end. I'm loving getting more creative again."
"It was interesting for me to spend a whole hour and a half talking about myself! The session was intriguing and like a breath of fresh air for the mind. From the photos I see that I CAN aim for what I want and that I have the strength to do so. I’m clearer now how to create the life I desire."
Customer Experience Trends Consultant
"Natalie is a fantastic coach and helped me unearth how I felt about my current situation, what I wanted to do about it and what was required for me to get there. It was such a great process as all the answers were unconsciously lying deep inside me already and Natalie facilitated me to tap into my own intuition. I was surprised to realise that the answers all lie within myself and I just needed to listen and tap into that knowledge. And that’s what Natalie excels in: in teasing those answers you’re looking for out of you by seamlessly and effortlessly guiding you through your own journey of discovery.
What I liked in particular is that it wasn’t a static session. Natalie made me move and shift around the room so that I could look at things from different perspectives and she continuously encouraged me to check if I was comfortable with every new discovery before moving on. A very deep and explorative process into my unconscious in order to find out what I truly needed and wanted for myself.
We also used art cards. Being an incredibly visual and creative person this hugely helped me to unearth even more insights about myself. It helped me from being all in my head and in ‘thinking mode’ to shift into and connect with my intuition/gut, and feel into my deep internal wisdom and knowledge. It’s been an incredibly insightful and powerful journey and helped me to figure out what’s next for me. The art images stayed for weeks and weeks in my head and were great visual reminders of the session and guided me towards my goals.
I couldn’t recommend Natalie any higher. She has a very kind, gentle, thoughtful and considered coaching style/approach whilst at the same time challenging and questioning you in order to truly help you find your own solutions and achieve powerful life changing results."
Social Entrepreneur
"My sessions with Natalie really helped me get more clarity during a period of lots of change in my professional life. I had never had coaching before but Natalie explained the process really well and made sure I understood what was involved."
Organisational Psychologist
"Natalie is a very perceptive and caring coach. She follows the leads she picks up from you in a gently persistent and supportive way."
Business Analyst
"I enjoyed my experience of being coached at a photography exhibition by Natalie. It’s great for anyone who loves photography and wants some personal development. I had a deep and profound experience and highly recommend Natalie."
IT Administrator
"Thank you so much for facilitating this experience. I’ve just opened the email with the pictures and they have made my day! The session was a journey of self exploration – really eye opening and touching. It is really wonderful to look over the photos and I look forward to sharing them and what I now know about myself with my partner this weekend."
Personal Coach
"The coaching was like coming deeply into myself; relaxing deeply in myself and expressing myself from that place. The Clean questioning was perfect because I really needed to come home to myself. It was like going down a spiral staircase, down deeper into myself, the more questions asked, the more I could get in touch with myself, and that was exactly what I needed to do anyway, so it was perfect."
Creative Freelancer
"The coaching sessions with Natalie have given me time and space to reflect on my career and think about my choices that I have taken or could take in the future. They have helped me realise two needs in my work life – to be more pro-active about the work I want to do and to be more aware of the way I present myself to others. She also helped me identify new opportunities and for me to pursue this knowledge with confidence."
Public Health Locality Manager
"Natalie helped me work through problems I was having at my workplace. She has a wonderful personality and always made me feel safe. There were times when personal issues were having a bigger impact on me than work ones and this would come out in the conversation; she allowed me the space to deal with these in the same manner with the recognition that both spheres of life are intertwined.
She helped me bring clarity to the situation and helped me understand what I could change, considering I had no control over any of the external circumstances or people. She gave me a safe space to explore my thoughts and my aspirations and to understand that I always had options and a choice, even though I didn’t realise it.
I really looked forward to the time with Natalie as it gave me the opportunity to reflect on what I had put into practice and how her methods were bringing about a positive change in the way I was dealing with situations at work. One of the most important things I learned from Natalie was to take out the time to reward myself for all that I have achieved and continue to achieve on a daily basis.
It has been over 6 months that my sessions with Natalie ended, but I still use the framework of reflecting, exploring what I can do in any given situation and what choices I have."
"Working with Natalie, I developed my understanding of how I function and make decisions. This is now part of how I move forward both on the small everyday things and the bigger shifts in life."
"In her remarkable process Natalie turned a selection of my own photographs into answers to big questions in my life. These were six or seven images she had asked me to bring; images that I felt were important to me in some way. It didn’t matter how. During the session Natalie asked me a sequence of very simple but pertinent questions about what I saw in the photographs. Over the course of an hour this seemed to build the images into a kind of map of where I was and where I needed to go in my life.
A powerful experience I would really encourage anyone to try as it left me with a real and grounded sense of where I need to go in my life."
Senior HR Professional
"Natalie listens acutely and allows time to think. She is direct and through feeding back what I said, she made me think more. She recognises when you want to explore and experiment, and checked that I was happy to explore a process which was new to me: Symbolic Modelling. That reminded me about the power of imagery and metaphor.
Natalie is there for you. I am doing a stock take, knowing I can make better use of the resources I have. I haven’t made major changes yet, but I am processing them now, having the courage to do so. Thank you."
Freelance Photographer
"My time spent with Natalie made a positive difference to my working methods and helped me develop a plan to move my projects forward. I am currently working on an edit for commercial work alongside a personal photography project. During the coaching session, Natalie listened carefully and helped draw out the motivations behind the work. Her insightful observations also led me to consider new ways of working to assist in the editing process."
"Natalie facilitated me using Clean Space. Our session introduced me to a new way of thinking and I felt it clarified and detailed my goals. I found her style warm and engaging."
"Natalie is a natural coach… I loved how the power was always with me and she didn’t allow me to digress. Because of the goals and steps I took with Natalie, I am now writing my book. I know what I love and am following my heart and have met the right people in my life to get me to where I want to be. A dedicated coach who had my heart at stake."
Interior Designer
"I had not heard about the Clean Language coaching technique until I met Natalie a few months ago. I was familiar with the concept and benefits of business coaching though my previous business experience but found the Clean Language sessions with Natalie resulted in much clearer outcomes. In fact, I found the format very inspiring and motivating.
Natalie is very patient, precise and most of all, professional. She made me feel at ease despite the fact that the Clean Language coaching technique can be rather intense at times. I feel I learnt some new things about myself and was able to express them very precisely and in a way that was true to myself.
During the whole process, Natalie was like a satellite constantly checking the ground where I wanted to land in order to facilitate further exploration on my part, without interfering with my personal motives.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Natalie as a coach for all those who are fed up with being confused by their own ways of dismantling life/business questions. Whatever the nature of your problem, let yourself speak the words of true meaning!"
Transition Coach
"I learned the basics of how effective simple Clean questions could be, and how these can be used with Symbolic Modelling in the form of visual images. I absorbed very simple Clean Language questions, and a greater understanding of the power of imagery (Symbolic Modelling). Without effort, I began to use these with my own clients and experience how effective they are.
Natalie is a warm, open and very engaging person. I felt safe in her presence. Her coaching approach is grounded in Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling, which was new to me but very effective. I gained useful self awareness from our sessions and an introduction to these wonderful coaching tools, which I will explore further for use in my own coaching practice. I very much enjoyed working with Natalie."
Art Curator
"Natalie practices a very keen technique with imagery and metaphors. The gentle way which she executes her skill leads to uncovering deep truths. Natalie’s specific enquiries into the quality of an experience were very helpful. I learned how to go deeper within a metaphor to discover the hidden qualities. I got more clarity concerning a business decision. Natalie is a patient, skillful coach. She has the ability to zero in on core issues and gives space for the key aspects to unfold."
Legal & Policy Advisor
"Natalie is a great listener and was attentive to my goals and issues. She was gentle, insightful and succinct. She allowed me to explore different modes of coaching and also introduced me to Clean Language coaching which expanded my sense of metaphor. I became more self-aware of the role of creativity in my thinking. Natalie is the perfect coach for someone exploring life and their own personal desires. She works well on the creative and ‘heart’ side of her coachee’s yearnings and is respectful of her coachee’s ‘voice’."
"Natalie is an excellent coach, she is confident and very calm which calmed me every time we had a session. I loved her Clean Language style and using metaphors when appropriate. It still empowers me and calms me when I think about my metaphors. I learned from Natalie the power of articulation. I felt empowered when she was articulating what she heard from me and then moving on building on that. I got more clarity about my future website content and name."
"I was impressed...
by how Clean Space gave me different perspectives and enabled me to go progressively deeper. It was also playful and fun. Afterwards I felt more free, lighter and at ease with myself." Coach